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Monday we toured another school for Alex. I tend to steer away from calling them day cares, because they are actually run like a pre-school. We both preferred this one over the last one that we toured. We put him on the wait list. He can't attend until he is one anyway. So, it will just be a waiting game until he is old enough and a slot is available.

Wednesday was the meeting for the book club. This time it was at our house. The book was Dixiland Sushi. The book itself was a really easy read, but there wasn't a whole lot of content to discuss. We managed to have a good time anyway. I also read The Alchemist a few weeks ago. It was recommended by a friend about a year or so ago. I was disappointed. It wasn't a bad book, but I think I had built it up in my mind over the past year and there was no way that the book could live up to my expectations...or maybe it just isn't my type of book.

Friday, Gabe and I went out to dinner at an Italian restaurant and then saw Spamalot. Spamalot was funny, but it wasn't my favorite. Wicked takes that honor. J said that Alex didn't cry a lot. He was fine until she took him downstairs to make a bottle (apparently he thought we were downstairs hanging out). After that he cried off and on for an hour and then he went to sleep).

Saturday we went to our town's festival. Gabe's office had a booth. We had a good time walking around. Gabe was at the festival from noon until 9:30 p.m. Alex and I went from around 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Alex loves balloons and the yellow one from the festival was no exception.


Today we went to the Greek Festival. We had some yummy Greek food and bought some pastries to bring back to our house for tonight. We had our neighbors, the V's, over for dinner.


I often thought I'd like to join a book club but haven't yet.....so Wicked was good eh? I did read the book and enjoyed it. Have a good Sunday!

I really like the book club. It makes me read books that I would not read otherwise. I thought that Wicked was spectacular!