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Guest Bathroom Basket

I realize a lot of people are bringing a carry on as their only piece of luggage since airplanes started charging for checked baggage. Here is a great way to use up hotel soaps. Tell your guests to leave their soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc., at home. Take a variety of bar soaps, shampoos, conditioners, shower gels and lotions, as well as facial cleaning supplies, a vanity kit, a sewing kit, comb, toothpaste, dental floss, razor, after sun gel, and shower cap and place them in a basket in your guest bathroom. If our house had been a little more organized I would have done this for our last four guests.

Guest Bathroom Basket.jpg

Toiletry basket for our most recent guest.


This is aa great idea!

Great idea...so welcoming.

Great idea...so welcoming.

what a great idea! i usually never take these with me, but I should start. it would be a great gift for a frequent traveler as well.