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Zoo & Ice Cream

We have decided not to go to San Diego right now. We both thought it would be a lot of fun but figured we really needed any extra time to work on the house. If I get any extra time today I am going to start working on the fourth bedroom (we are going to make it an office). I doubt I will have extra time though, as Alex is in his "I will only sleep if you hold me" mood. I am slowly typing this entry with only one hand. At least dinner will be easy. I assembled it last night an now I just have to pop it in the oven.

Hanging out in a swing.

We went to the zoo on Saturday. The weather was wonderful. We even sat outside and had ice cream, because we could.

Steph Ice Cream.jpg
Umm...not helping with the resolution to lose the baby weight.

Some desert scenery

On Sunday we went to Sam's and picked up some canned goods. They also have some leather furniture that Gabe has his eye on. We stopped by Trader Joe's and Alex loved looking around the store. Usually we keep him covered up, but he had such a great time looking at everything we pulled the blanket back so he could see.


I really, really want to accomplish something on the house this week!


OMG! I love that swing picture! Alex is really getting his own personality now, isn't he?! I want to meet him in person!!! REALLY REALLY BAD! :)

What a cute smile he has!!

Nicole - Come on out to Arizona. You guys are welcome to come and visit. We would have a lot of fun!

Rosanne - Thanks! I think he has a super cute smile, but I am slightly biased.