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Wow $18,920

If you decided to purchase all of the items in the "12 Days of Christmas", it would cost you a whopping $18,920! This is up 3.1% from last year. The increase in cost is due to rising labor costs.

PNC Christmas Price Index
Item 2005 (2006) % change
One partridge $15 ($15) flat
Pear tree $89.99 ($129.99) 44.40%
Two turtle doves $40 ($40) flat
Three French hens $45 ($45) flat
Four calling birds $399.96 ($479.96) 20.00%
Five gold rings $325 ($325) flat
Six geese a-laying $300 ($300) flat
Seven swans a-swimming $4,200 ($4,200) flat
Eight maids a-milking $41.20 ($41.20) flat
Nine ladies dancing $4,576.14 ($4,759.19) 4.00%
10 lords a-leaping $4,039.08 ($4,160.25) 3.00%
11 pipers piping $2,053.20 ($2,124) 3.40%
12 drummers drumming $2,224.30 ($2,301) 3.40%
Total Christmas Price Index $18,348.87 ($18,920.59) 3.10%