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I am back and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised by the weather. It isn't as nice as the 94 degree high in Tucson, but it is better than snow. I am going to complain that the weather always seems crappy on my days off. I have Thursday off this week and right now the forecast is showing rain and thunderstorms...yippee! Complaining over. Surely we will have warm and sunny days soon.
Yesterday I finished Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella. It is about a girl, Lexi, that was in an accident and has amnesia. She is missing a three year block of her life and a LOT has happened in those three years. If you are out of your favorite author, it is worth a read.
I sat next to a creepy person on the flight back last night...and that is all I am going to say about that!


Remember Me sounds like a good book. I'm always looking for new authors to try.

Now I'm curious about the creepy person....LOL

This one is on my summer reading list - which I am pining away for. I've got the whole list in a shelfari bookshelf on my blog, BTW. I think we are into the same authors.

I am too traumatized to talk about the creepy person ;)

I had trouble looking at your shelfari bookshelf. Do I have to sign up to see your books?

LOL! I'm sure it's an interesting story!