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So, after doing laundry and picking up the house I finally went back to bed. When Gabe got up on Thursday he was trying to figure out when I had done everything, because he didn't remember it all being done before he went to bed. I guess I didn't keep him up after all.
I worked on the house on Thursday and our groceries were delivered. We went to Lowes again to look at vanities and paint chips. I think we have made decisions about several items that we need to purchase. Today we went and had our pictures taken for our Christmas cards. I really need to quit procrastinating and steam some border off a bathroom wall. I might actually be able to finish one of the bathrooms this weekend.
Gabe and I watched Ugly Betty last night. I really like the show, but Henry is starting to bother me. I want them to be together. He just needs to get his head on straight, make a decision, and stick with it. I am still trying to figure out how likely it is that the producers will let Henry and Betty be together and be happy.
We purchased our tickets to Spain a few days ago. We have been saying that we are going to go for a while now, but we actually bought the tickets. So, we are definitely going now. I have several travel guides, so the rest of the trip just needs to be planned out. Well, I guess that I really should get something done.