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Work, work, work

This week has been very exciting. I have worked, slept, and worked some more. I am really looking forward to a break. I don't mind working so much, but I don't like the fact that I am unable to do things that need to be done. Especially when you work 7:30 to 7:30. It just doesn't leave much time to conduct business that must be accomplished during business hours. I just read that the Gilmore Girls is ending this season on May 15. No more Gilmores. I really liked the show. Once I am finished working what am I supposed to do? They are canceling 7th Heaven too. While I am waiting for my license I guess I will read since the t.v. shows I like are being canceled. Maybe I will start watching Grey's Anatomy. I have the first season on DVD, but I haven't watched it yet. I have never really been much of a t.v. person. I have always been more of a reader. I guess I started watching t.v. as a break from studying. Maybe I will go back to reading a lot again...especially since I will be able to read for enjoyment.


YES! Start watching Grays! You can catch up over the summer!

Also... are you still watching LOST? What about Scrubs?? Those are two shows that you should be enjoying on a regular basis!! :)

I have been watching Scrubs. Actually we caught up a while back and I am just waiting on the next season. It comes out on DVD May 22. I haven't watched Lost for a while.